Please find below details of properties we currently have available, and of requirements we have for new properties. For any further information or to discuss, please contact us via the 'get in touch' page.

Available Property

FOR SALE: 5 acres of former tin mine on a site near Camborne with prospects for residential development. Mixed urban, commercial and rural land with distant sea views and close walking distance to this characterful popular mining town. Drawings and technical details available from our office 07896 665903 and ask for Malcolm or Marianne.

TO LET: Industrial secure storage Oldbury, West Midlands. Services available.  65000sqft and subdivisible. POA.

Call Malcolm Randall on 07896 665903.

TO LET: 7500 sq ft Commercial, Leisure, Health & Wellbeing, Retail and Office Space will split Boston Lincolnshire near town centre with great parking and near all facilities call our office 07896 665903 and ask for Malcolm or Marianne. Details available here.

To Let:   Lease at 150-152 Concert Hall Approach, SE1 8XU suitable for Restaurant Operator.

Call Malcolm Randall on 07896 665903


Required Property

South West of England

Freehold Land / Industrial Property :  circa 2 acres with  Sui Generis planning use class. Required for modern and environmentally compliant reverse manufacturing business. Site within Bristol / Avonmouth, along M5 corridor north of Bristol to Dursley, West on M4 to Swindon or within 5 miles of Westbury, Wiltshire

Call Malcolm Randall on 07896 665903 to discuss.

South East of England

Property region-wide: Businesses with freehold property and development prospects are invited to speak to us about maximising property values and planning consent.

Property region-wide: Land up to half an acre with prospects for a 4-bedroom residential property.

Property in Kent: 1-2 acres, freehold land/premises with B1 and B2 planning use classes.

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