Always Unique
We don't believe in boxes. No two designs are ever the same, and nor should they be - because no two occupants ever have identical needs or wants. That's why we'll spend time getting to know you and your business as part of our design process.
Fabric First
Buildings need maintenance - that's a fact of life, and it's one that the design process should always account for. Specifying high-quality, long-life materials from the ground up means your property will be built to last, with fewer costs along the line for refurbishment or upgrades.
No Challenge Too Big
Our team has worked on a vast array of projects, from conservatories to housing developments to hurricane-proof bridges - and they've all had their quirks and their challenges. We may not be able to predict every problem that could crop up in your project, but we have absolute confidence in our ability to solve them when they do.
What Comes Next?
Over its useful lifespan, a building will have a great many occupants - which is why ensuring that we're designing to maximise your property's value when you're finished with it is high up our agenda. We'll look at ways to maximise and protect value, and to ensure that our design doesn't rule out future potential uses, buyers, or tenants.
Green Today, Not Tomorrow
Our planet is facing an unprecedented threat of collapse due to climate change and ecological degradation - the result of uncontrolled human activity - and we all have a part to play in resolving these crises. That's why we'll always factor nature and carbon emissions into our design work at the absolute earliest opportunity, leveraging our expertise in building technologies and our certified in-house expert in the EDGE Buildings platform to produce the best outcome for you and for the planet.
EDGE Buildings is a green building assessment and certification program produced by the IFC, part of the World Bank Group. We've recently become the first firm in England to partner with the Sintali-SGS consortium, offering a complete package of EDGE Expert, Audit and Certification services - to find out more, get in touch with us at, or visit